Script Files


After a tragic accident occurs, a resolute organ donor specialist is tasked with the most affecting case of his storied career, ultimately transforming the lives of those around him, forever.

  • Robert Horsey
  • Project Type:
    Screenplay, Other
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Robert Horsey

Robert Horsey is a critical care registered nurse who has dedicated most of his nineteen-year career to the field of Organ Donation and Transplantation. He has held the positions of Interventional Organ Procurement Coordinator with Mid-America Transplant Services, located in St. Louis, Missouri; Clinical Transplant Coordinator with St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital’s Heart Transplant Program and Clinical Transplant Coordinator with Indiana University Health - University Hospital’s Liver Transplant Program, both located in Indianapolis, Indiana. He has held national certification as a Certified Procurement Transplant Coordinator (CPTC) and a Certified Clinical Transplant Coordinator (CCTC), as awarded by The American Board for Transplant Certification. Robert received his Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (cum laude honors) from the University of Missouri – St. Louis, Barnes Hospital College of Nursing.
Robert is the last (along with his twin brother, Charlie) in the lineup of nine children. He currently resides in Carmel, Indiana with his girlfriend, Courtney and her two boys, Michael and Ozzy. And, yes, he is die-hard and loyal St. Louis Cardinal Baseball Fan!!
GIFTED is Robert’s first screenplay and novel.

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Writer Statement

GIFTED is a story that has been brewing in my head for many years; inspired by my time spent working at Mid-America Transplant Services in St. Louis, Missouri. This is a fictional story based, loosely, on my experiences there as an Organ Procurement Coordinator. During this time in my career, I had the extreme honor of working with donor families as they navigated the waters of grief and the unexpected loss of their loved one. I was allowed into their lives during what would seem to be their most devastating and vulnerable moments. The compassion that they were able to muster is the reason for this story. It was written as a tribute to each of them and the thousands of donor families around the country that provide the gift of life through the selfless act of organ and tissue donation.