The Festival, at its first edition, supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, intends to promote the value of the Italian language and culture abroad through the presentation of works by Italian authors (including those living abroad) and foreign authors who communicate their perception of Italy as a physical place, together with its historical, natural, landscape, environmental, artistic and cultural heritage, and as a place of emotions, reflected and embodied in the different characters of its people.

1. The Festival is open to short films by Italian authors with any subject or by foreign authors (as long as the subject is Italy), made in the years 2020, 2021, 2022.
2. The work must have integrated subtitles in English.
3. The work may not exceed 20 minutes in length (10 for educational and 40 for documentaries).

Sections of the Festival
A. Fiction - narrative short films of invented stories
B. Documentary- short films narrating real stories of people, places, environments
C. Animation - short films in which there is a prevalent use of drawing techniques and technologies, also with digital instruments
D. Educational - short films shot with the contribution of students from schools of all levels (category 1) and film schools (category 2).

Prizes (in euros or equivalent value)
FICTION - 2000
Additional prizes may be awarded.

The final deadline for submission is 20 June 2022. The intermediate deadlines for submission are 20 April (1st deadline), 20 May (2nd deadline), 20 June (3rd deadline) and 10 July (extended deadline). The participation fee is respectively € 5 (1st deadline), € 10 (2nd deadline), € 15 (3rd deadline) and € 20 for the extended deadline.

Entry to the competition implies the acceptance of the rules of participation specified in this announcement and the application of the Terms and Conditions on the website, as well as the authorization for public viewing for which the author will not receive any compensation and/or reimbursement.

The selection of the works participating in the Festival will take place at the sole discretion of the Artistic Direction of the Festival.

Following the communication of admission to the Festival it is necessary to
a) send, within 10 days of receipt, the multimedia file that includes audio, video and subtitles and is technically suitable for screening in the cinema.
b) send documentation on the short film (synopsis, video interview, images, et similia) to be used in the promotion and communication of the Festival in all analog and digital forms.
c) send the waiver on the website duly filled and signed, together with a copy of an identification document of the undersigned

Overall Rating
  • Sayonara Film

    Poco chiari nel comunicare che i premi messi a disposizione per ogni categoria non sono premi al miglior film di quella categoria, ma sono il budget del festival per gestire quella categoria: i vincitori, se ospitati, non ricevono alcun premio in denaro, perchè il budget finisce in ospitalità, cosa non comunicata al nostro regista, vincitore della categoria fiction, altrimenti avrebbe potuto scegliere di tenere i soldi e non andare a Monaco. Chi invece non è stato ospitato (per una ragione o l'altra) riceve una somma in denaro pari alla divisione dei film premiati in quella categoria, quindi nel caso del miglior documentario, il regista non potendo andare a Monaco ha ricevuto 400 euro. Sinceramente ci sembra assurdo e comunque un annuncio ingannevole su Filmfreeway, dove è scritto chiaramente nella categoria AWARDS 2000 euro (in denaro o equivalente in altri premi) per le categorie FICTION DOC e ANIMAZIONE. Vogliamo sperare che sia frutto esclusivamente di inesperienza essendo alla prima edizione, ma in ogni caso l'organizzazione non vuole ammettere la propria responsabilità in questa situazione così ambigua. In ogni caso procederemo per andare a fondo della questione, perchè ci mettiamo l'anima per questo lavoro, investendo denaro e tempo per le iscrizioni e quando vinciamo un premio per noi è linfa vitale per continuare a sopravvivere. Ci sono migliaia di festival di livello, non abbiamo bisogno anche festival occasionali che creano questo tipo di disagi.

    September 2022
  • Bianca Sartirana

    So proud to be a part of this festival! Viva l'Italia e viva la Germania

    September 2022
  • Dimitri Feltrin

    Very interesting festival, with a great communication. Thanks for selecting my movie!

    September 2022