Script File

CENSORED episode 7 - Dreamland

CHAPTER 7 “Dreamland”: Following Ruben’s ingenious distraction, Paul and Ruben fight their way into the secret base but wind up trapped in the tunnel on Paul’s level, until Spencer saves them in extremis. Lowering and locking the radiation shields, Paul hurries to put their plan into motion and meltdown the core. Ducking more gunfire, the men convince Spencer to come with them and escape through the service elevator as the guards draw nearer…
They reach level below theirs (4) and discover the true purpose of the facility, when they come across a disgusting, ad-hoc cloning center, along with rows and rows of quasi-identical infants. Traumatized by the sight, Spencer hangs back while Ruben and Paul go to plant C-4 and continue their sabotage. An approaching patrol forces Spencer leave his position and hide behind the first door he manages open… realizing only too late that he has snuck into Liam’s private quarters! Spencer makes the smallest of noises and is immediately attacked by Liam.
Paul and Ruben return from their sabotage and, with Spencer nowhere to be seen, go hunting for him. Just as they are about to give up, he appears, bloodied and drugged out of his mind with Liam close behind. Paul confronts Liam to try and save his friend, but Spencer is too intoxicated to listen and collapses on the floor. Timing his escape with the bombs they planted, Paul makes a daring sprint for Spencer as the explosions rock the base. The men manage to flee under the cover of the failing hall lights, but Spencer gets shot. Paul and Ruben drag Spencer’s inert form through their blast hole to level 5, as the guards regain control of the facility and the radiation shields are raised. As his henchmen give chase throughout Dreamland’s lower levels, Liam returns to his lair and inserts Paul’s DNA into the base’s mainframe.
Back in Antarctica, Steven struggles to digest all the new information he’s heard. He finds Anton drunk off his ass and more belligerent than ever, disappointed that Steven is not a savior, but simply another lost soul come to die at the edge of the world with him. Steven rebukes Anton’s insults and prods him for more details about Shoshanna’s capabilities, before realizing he hasn’t only jumped spatially but chronologically as well, as the calendar shows him to be in the year 2016!
The next morning, Anton apologizes for his rude behavior and shows Steven their green house, filled with animals and exotic fruit. As Anton and Steven sit down for dinner and exchange stories, an alarm sounds off to indicate an approaching vehicle, much to Anton’s distress.

  • Daniel Bernardini
  • Project Type:
    Screenplay, Television Script
  • Genres:
    Sci-Fi, Thriller, Drama
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer - Daniel Bernardini