The objective The objective of the African Cinema Animation (CANIMAF) is a festival dedicated to animation in all its forms and declension. Being the main cultural festival in Cameroon which honours animation, their directors and producers, it is bent o attaining many objectives as time goes by, which are :

- Create a framework for expression and dissemation for African directors from within and without
- Create an artistic and cultural proposition for the African and Cameroonian public in particular
- Enable the discovery of new talents
- Encourage the development of Cameroonian animation and progressively set up an industry comprising all links of the production chain
- Set up on a database made of professionals, production studios, schools and other institutions
- Enhance creations associated with the “Jeun’anim” project which is activated for the production of films in schools
- Set a system to aid creation: scholarships, subventions, reading of scenario, project competitions, connecting project owners and financers
- Sign partnerships with international festivals
- Be one of the international forums of cinema animation in Africa

For this edition, we want to introduce Awards. The goal here is to encourage a team of technicians in their area of expertise and intervention, in a given production.

Animation is an art that uses teams from diverse cultures put together for their creativity and originality, the CANIMAF Festival confirms its desire to encourage creativity by now awarding prizes to teams (writers, designers, animators, VFX, dubbing, sound, etc ...).

Other awards will be gradually introduced with the evolution of the Festival.

The Grand Prix winners at the film:

• The gold cowrie: For the grand prize of the festival (awarded to an animated feature film)
• The cowrie of glass: For the grand prize of the Festival (awarded to an animated short film)
• The ebony cowrie: For the grand prize of the Festival (awarded to the animated film for television)

The results by team:

• Concept Artist Award : Awarded to a team in this competition. (This competition encompasses both the characters and the worlds in which they live, and originality in real or imaginary cultural identity is an important criterion).
• Animation Award : Awarded to a team in this competition. (This competition is more important than the originality of a team of animators to transpose the story that the quality of the animation. Have a fluid animation and quality will not necessarily make you race for this price).
• Dubbing Award : Awarded to a team in this competition. (The actor's game remains a challenge in any project, where a film with the dubbing is the most faithful to the characters or the most original).

- The CANIMAF Festival has several official categories that host the works created.
1) Short animated films
2) Animated feature films
3)Clips and ads

- The CANIMAF Festival is open to all animation films completed between 2017 and August 2019, regardless of format, origin or technique. CANIMAF does not charge a registration fee. Producers/directors wishing to submit a film to the Festival selection must register on the Festival website by filling out the form in the selected section within the required deadline.

- A valid viewing link is required to allow the selection committee to view your film.

- Two or three HD photos of the film in JPEG or PNG format, minimum resolution 300 dpi.

- Any film entered whose language is other than French or English must be subtitled in either French or English.

- For this second edition of the Festival, the committee decided not to introduce the competitions and not to award any prizes.

- CANIMAF undertakes to use any photographic or other document related to the films entered (press kits, posters, leaflets, photos, contacts, address, etc.) provided by the producer/director solely for the Festival and its promotion and we can use it in Festival video library. These documents will be released to the media exclusively as part of the promotion of the Festival. Unless otherwise advised by the producer/director, these documents will then be deposited in the Festival archives.

- Unless otherwise specified, the Festival may use excerpts from registered films in order to promote the Festival to the general public, including on its website and on Vimeo channels.

see more at :

Overall Rating
  • Issouf Bah

    Thank you very much to CANIMAF, this young film festival that has already proven itself. Good luck and see you soon for other editions to take up the challenge of animated cinema in Africa.

    October 2019
  • Michael Genz

    Thank you for selecting Mni Wiconi: Water is Life to be a part of an outstanding event such as the CANIMAF Festival. It was a true honor!

    November 2018