Nestled within the heart of Paris, the iconic City of Lights, the Paris International Women's Film Festival stands as an annual testament to the incredible talents and nuanced perspectives of female filmmakers from across the globe. Recognized for its rich history, artistic flare, and enduring dedication to culture, Paris makes for the ideal backdrop to a festival that seeks to amplify the voices of those who, for too long, may have been overshadowed in the cinematic world. With its labyrinthine streets teeming with stories and an atmosphere drenched in inspiration, Paris has always been a muse for artists. What better city to host a festival that champions the diverse and powerful stories of women?

At the core of this event, we celebrate films crafted with a distinct female vision. These are narratives that explore the complexities, challenges, and triumphs of womanhood, offering insights that only such perspectives can. But our festival is not solely dedicated to the works of women. We welcome and celebrate male filmmakers who approach cinema with a keen sensitivity to women’s issues. Such inclusivity stems from our conviction that understanding and representing women’s experiences is not bound by gender. As the great philosopher and writer Simone de Beauvoir insightfully claimed, "One is not born a woman but becomes one." Gender, in this regard, is not simply a matter of biology, but is shaped by the society we inhabit.

The Paris International Women's Film Festival is a platform where gender is seen through the lens of social constructs and narratives. It is a space that challenges the norm and invites a broader understanding of what it means to depict female experiences and perspectives, regardless of the creator's gender. If your project resonates with such a vision, with the soul of Paris as its backdrop and an eager, global audience as its witness, then this is the festival for you.

We eagerly await the unique, boundary-pushing, and heart-touching works that will grace our screens. Join us in Paris, where art, culture, and a fervor for women's stories converge in a spectacular celebration.


Terms and conditions of participation in the festival

1- For short films, the maximum film time is 40 minutes.

2. We prefer movies that are shown for the first time in California . However, if you have a movie that has already been shown on YouTube or elsewhere, please send it to us, especially if it also contains elements of madness and insanity.

3- The only way to submit a film is through FilmFreeway. Please refrain from sending videos in other ways.

4- Due to lack of sufficient staff, we cannot provide the reason for accepting or rejecting the films.

5. Feature films should be at least 50 minutes long.

6- It is possible to send the film for several categories and in this case your film will be judged in each category.

7- When you present a film to our festival, it means that all the rights and copyrights are at your disposal

8- By sending the film to our festival, you give us the permission to use the material and contents of your film for advertising.

Overall Rating
  • Begaly Nargozuev

    Thank you to the International Women's Film Festival in Paris for awarding our film "Mountain Wagtail" in the category "Best Feature Film" about women shot by a male director.
    Thanks to the organizers, selectors and jury of the festival for choosing our film.
    Sincerely, director of the film Begaly Nargozu.

    May 2024
  • Thank you for the Best Director Award for my film Hearing Voices. I am deeply honored and humbled 🙏💕

    May 2023
  • Aayushman Pandey

    Fierce Women Festival of Paris are communicative, dedicated professionals and is was a pure joy to have our film play at their festival. They are fighting for an overdue change in cinema's cultural landscape and it was an honor to be a part of their journey.

    May 2023
  • We won BEST COMEDY SHORT with our dark comedy MEN IN CARS but were unable to attend the screenings. I wish them well with future festivals as theirs is a unique perspective!

    May 2023